My mulberry and other fruits collection

My Madeira never went so sleep, no dormancy in the winter lol

In the orchard nothing is budding yet
The trees Dithmar sent me are budding though. Lol

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I post photos on my thread if you want to see…

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Just checked it, your spring is sooner than mine :slight_smile:

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LOL yes i think so… :grin:

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This year I go crazy if moles or voles eat my Mulberry roots… Lost a few young trees last year and had to re order. They ate ALL the root ball. How do you control them @Luisport.
Its a real nightmare

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I don’t… i try to put poison on holes but they didn’t die…

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By the way check 1 of my Madeira Mulberry. This one is in a pot.


LOL you see it wasn’t just mine to start growing early! :laughing:

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Lol, madeira Mulberry never went dormant
The only other one that almost didn’t get dormant and still has old leaves and new leaves and fruits already is the Portugal Mulberry.
Really really early the Portugal Mulberry.
Usually the Shangri la was the earliest one, but the Portugal is even earlier.
All the others are sleeping yet. Lol

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Took yesterday to remove 2 of my mulberries planted last year which had poor growth as they were planted in the shadows to a full sunny position, they were one of my Illinois Everbearing and a Lavendel Mulberry. The growth was nill in that year and the roots were exactly the same size as like when I planted the last year.
They are now in the sun, still waiting to bud out.
Expecting explosive growth this year

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Decided to graft a Mulberry that produces small fruits with white pakistan/Saharanpur Mulberry scions i cut from the other small trees I have. As this one has bigger trunk and is on full sun it might grow faster than the others and faster. Let’s see


Got some Mulberry scions today and immediately grafted them. Some of these cultivars I’ve been looking for years.
Thank you @Marta :slight_smile:

Some pics :slight_smile:

. Himalayan Mulberry - DMOR9
. World’s best
. Four seasons
. Maple leaf


Nice work! :+1:


Folks, u think i need to put humidity domes or bags on top of the grafted mulberries I did yesterday?? The scions are involved in parafilm! @Paul? @Marta?

If the scions and everything that was cut on the rootstock are completely sealed with the parafilm, no humidity domes are required


Tks @Marta, the scions are kept on parafilm, the rootstock is involved in parafilm also and the cuts are also sealed with healing paste :slight_smile:
Thanks for everything, praying for success :slight_smile:

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Right, parafilm will keep it from drying. Not sure what’s the weather in Portugal but if too warm you can put some paper bag or tin foil to shade it. I don’t need to do that here but your weather is different league. I am sure you will be successful with mulberries either way :slight_smile:


Hi Carl, I heard that 2 apples that were sent to you didn’t make it. Too bad cause they all made it to Luis :frowning:
If you want I can send scionwood in about 14 days, I am in covid quarantine now (again)



Hello @Paul, yes 2 of the grafts were broken.
If you send me the scionwood i can try to graft :slight_smile:
I have some old old non productive apple trees on my orchard :slight_smile:
How’s your cornus capitata doing??
Mine is budding all over now :slight_smile:

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ok which ones did not make it? I can check if I still have those in fridge, or if you are looking for something else…
The capitata has about 15cm long shoots, it is still in grow room in my inlaws house. Next time I go there I will plant it outside. But I am worried it is a lost cause, I heard it can take up to -15 according to some sources but if it took beating in your area, there is no chance it can survive here :slight_smile:
The aracas are both doing good too