My mulberry and other fruits collection

I am praying I did OK with the grafting of these latest Mulberry cultivars. I’ve been looking for the Himalayan Mulberry for yeaaaars.
Tried all type of grafts, cleft bark, modified cleft bark, bark graft and even bud graft with the leftovers… Everything was used… Just need one of each cultivar to take
. Himalayan, maple leaf, 4 seasons and world best

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yeah good luck, but mulberries are very easy, I am sure you will be ok.


I think the cornus suffered because It was a potted plant put in the ground and I wasn’t able to water it regularly, I think that was the problem. I think you will be fine :slight_smile:

Marta was very kind, she thought It was gonna get stuck in customs and I told her I would take full responsability.
I was lucky the scions arrived still apparently viable because she posted them on the 2nd of February!!!
They took ages to arrive, went from California to New York, to Madrid, then Lisbon where it got stuck in customs in fact for over a month! Then it was released and instead of being shipped to my hometown (1h30 away from Lisbon) was shipped to Madeira Island and then finally to me…
Almost 2 months to arrive… And they all seemed viable…
Now praying one of each takes… Every 2h I go check on them, they are in my balcony for now lol

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My good Lord! I think some times they just joke with us…

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Davis - Sacramento - San Francisco - New York - Madrid - Lisbon - Funchal (Madeira Island) - Aveiro ahah

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Thought it would go around the world :joy::joy:


I got scionwood in transit for 2.5months this year, it just takes forever with covid.
But it was still alive when I received it. It depends a lot how you pack it. I received wood that was moldy after a week, this was another extreme. I grafted it and see if it survives but I have no reason not to believe it will

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If watering was the issue and not frost, then I have a chance. If it can survive in zone 7A/B it would be amazing. I am going to plant it right in front of my house…

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I think definitively was the watering :slight_smile:

2 weeks after my grafting attempts. Results so far


Bark graft

Modified cleft graft

Traditional cleft graf

Another bark graft

Chip bud graft


Bark graft


Traditional cleft graft

Modified cleft graft


Bark graft

What you guys think? @Paul, @Marta?

Will I be successful? :eyes:


I think these are looking good!


Congratulations my friend! That’s great to see it growing! :+1:

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Tks @Marta, very thankful :slight_smile:


I would be cautiously optimistic. I’ve had mulberries bud out only to dry out a week later. They do look good though!!! Keep fingers crossed…


Fingers crossed @chriso, I’ve been looking for the Himalayan Mulberry for years. Just need one to take :pray:

Last year I tried to graft outside silk hope Mulberry and all failed like you said… They budded, looked like they were thriving and then dried and died…
I am still on the fence and that’s why I tried several grafting techniques hoping at least one takes… (bark graft, cleft graft, modified cleft graft and chip bud grafting)



On the orchard checking my mulberries.
I think it’s gonna be a good year for the Pakistan Mulberry :slight_smile:


Hi! Your fruits are very long! Mine are a bit shorter and fatter…

This is the Pakistani I brought from the UK, it’s not from Dithmar.
Might be a little different :slight_smile:

I’ll try to propagate it and give you one next year if you want it :slight_smile:

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