My small fruit tree orchard

Nectarine collection: (5) Big Top, Atanais, Nectawhite, Snow Queen, Flavortop

Scions: (13) Heavenly White, Sanguine d’Auvergne, Early Bomba, Luciana, Extreme Delight, Extreme Moon, Extreme Red, Honey Prima, Honey Kist, Raspberry Red, Freckle Face Nectarine, Candy Sprinkles…

catalogo-2-psb-produccion-vegetal-en.pdf (

Nectarinas carne amarilla - 2020 - YouTube

Nectarinas carne blanca - 2020 - YouTube

2019 07 02 Snow Queen Nectarine Harvest - YouTube

Nektarinka Honey Kist - YouTube

Atanais, Murcia - Junio 2021 - YouTube

Luciana, Lérida 2019 - YouTube


Sanguine orange… Big and heavy 216g.


I just got a Snow Queen a few days ago. I’ve seen good things written about it

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My snow queen tree should give fruit this year… didn’t try them yet…

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Have those started ripening yet for you? Are there any other spring-ripening avocados that are holding fruit for you this year? I know you said you have a couple other varieties, but I’m forgetting which.

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Well for me ripening time of avocados is still a mistery… they are looking very well…
Yes i have more varieties but i just get fruits of this one.


For spring-ripening types, they usually reach maturity a little before they start flowering for the next year, though some varieties can hold the old fruit longer. In southern California, the Bacon harvest is basically over right now, I think, but you are probably at least a month later than them.

I haven’t paid as much attention to the timing of spring ripening types in various climates, since the fall ripening types are usually more hardy.

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My Bacon avocado is putting out tiny blooms right now.


So you think it will be by mid March? I always had difficulty in recognize the maturity point of avocados…

Honestly it’s not a skill I’ve had enough chance to hone yet either. Depending on how many fruit you have, I’d probably start by picking one that looks good and see whether it ripens ok within a week or two. If not, try again in a couple weeks.

If you have only a few fruit this year, that technique may not work so well.

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5 fruits… but this year they are much biger! :grin:

That’s tough! I wish I could give you a better answer. I know Brad Spaugh on the TFF forum grows tons of Bacon avocados, he might have an answer for you if you post photos of the fruit in the main avocado thread over there.

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Timquat… next one… :star_struck:



That is new to me. I had not heard of timquat.


yes it’s very rare…

Apple Scions: (132)

Cornish Gilliflower, Esopus Spitzenberg, Chestnut, London Pippin, Newtown Pippin, Nutmeg Pippin, Pitmaston Pineapple, Suntan, Karneval, Sweet 16, Winterbanana, Liberty, Enterprise, Goldrush, Carjevic, Stajerski Mosancelj, Mantet, Delgollune, Zonga, Collina, Poppy’s Wonder, Evelina, Mairac, 39th Parallel, American Summer Pearmain, Apple Pear Cross, Baldwin, Black Amish, Black Twig, Blue Pearmain, Chenango Strawberry, Catrer’s Blue, Cinnamon Spice, Macoun, Prairie Spy, Royal Limbertwig, Mollie’s Delicious, Hawaii, Golden Nugget, July Red, McIntosh, Pixie Crunch, Wolf River, Sundance, Early Mac, Nova Mac, Akane, Joy’s, Anna, Shell, Tropic Sweet, Golden Dorset, Burgundy, Fameuse, Frostbite, November Peach, Opalescent, Pristine, Wagener, Ginger Gold, Sapfir, Bily Naliv, Jupiter, Lollipop, Sekai-Ichi, Fuji September Wonder, Gold Chief, Gold Pink, Shizuka, Sayaka, Hokuto, Gaia, Slava Peremozhtsyam, Zimnya Limonna, Reinette Simirenko, Freyberg, Mother, Fraise de Franche Comté, Piros, Wynoochee Early, Wellington Bloomless, Red Royal Limbertwig, Old Nonpareil, Merton Beauty, Jumbo, Hall, Doctor Matthews, Canadian Strawberry, Smitten, Calville Noire, Calville Blanc d’Hiver, Belchard Chantecler, Cornish Aromatic, Kingstone Black, William’s Pride, Evercrisp, Scarlet Crush, Hooples Antique Gold, Orin, Monark, Duchess of Oldenberg, Senshu, Dolgo, Zestar, Crimson Topaz, Silken, Red Gold, Hauer Pippin, Ein Shemer, Early Gravenstein, Ellison’s Orange, Fukunishiki, Auvil Early Fuji, Crimson Gold, Knobbed Russet, Red Topaz, Red Jonaprince, Jonagored Supra, Melrose, Haralson, Ambrosia, Drap d’Or, 1705, Poltava Gem, Rashida, Belle de Boskoop, Bite Me, Hudson’s Golden Gem, Kazakhstan, Red Cameo, Smokehouse, Winston


Apricot collection: (7) Orange Red, Tsunami, Pinkcot, Harcot, Kyoto, Shalakh, Rouge Cot…

Apricot scions: (20) La Segerdi Masshad, Mirsandjeli, Ilona, Precious, Sugar Pearls, Zard, Aprix 116, Nestor, Lido, Domino, Sweetcot, Wondercot, Robada, Pepito, Milord, Nelson, Pricia, Rubissia, Rubilis, Sweet Pit

Milord, Gard - Juin 2022 - YouTube

Nelson Apricot Variety - Tsesmelis Fruit & Nut Nursery - Greece

Apricot Lido - PSB Producción Vegetal (

Battistini Vivai

PRICIA 2014 - YouTube

Rubyngo®, ecco le albicocche completamente rosse - YouTube

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Very pretty @Luisport.

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Thank you my friend! :+1:
The pink was chocolate cake and the red was red velvet cake… :yum: