Nadia Sweet cherry x plum hybrid

Roy that tree looks awesome! Nice and small, it looks excellent to me! That one is going to be easy to keep small. Mine with the scaffolds being higher up, not so easy.

Here’s mine

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Weatherman, that’s some nice festive fall color. I hope mine starts turning soon too or it may have trouble this winter.
I was shocked at how massive the trunk was when I got it, it’s by far the largest bare-root I’ve ever planted. It was exceptionally vigorous this summer too, lots of new growth but it seems to all be straight up. I think I’m going to have to tie down some branches next year.

The interesting thing is that only the in-ground Nadia has a beautiful Fall foliage, and not the potted one.

My Nadia before and after summer 2015. She’s a beauty, I just hope she survives the winter :yum:


Wow that is a great tree! Even though I’m zone 6, the last 2 winters we had zone 5 temps. So hoping the same for mine. Speaking of Idaho, I grew a softneck and a hardneck garlic from Idaho. They grew extremely well here and I’m about to plant some of my crop as seed again. Also a third type, another hardneck from Wisconsin.


You’re not messing around with those wood chips!


Haha! I can’t seem to get enough! I’d like to convert my entire mini orchard from grass to wood chips, about a quarter acre. The bio-activity they attract is incredible and it’s fascinating to watch mother nature at work. You can see the mushrooms at the top of the left picture, they were all over the place during the spring and early summer, now the worms and centipedes are absolutely devouring this stuff. It ought to make for some good tree food as they break it down. some of the chips came from an old pile next to my neighbors red wiggler worm beds and I seemed to have trans-located them here, I dug down just a few inches in several places last night and they were everywhere.

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LOL! i was thinking the same thing… nothing wrong with it though…woodchips are awesome…i use a lot during the growing season…weed suppression/conserves moisture/organic matter…I want to invest in a gas powered wood chipper so i can make my own…

I have read that it is best to keep the chips about a foot away from the trunk of the tree over winter. I am trying 4-6 inches of woodchips over cardboard this year around my brambles, gooseberries, and bush cherries. I’ve seen a number of voles running around there, so set out 80 mousetraps. We’ll see how it goes over the winter. Your tree has really grown over the summer! Keep us posted on its progress.

northwoods, I’m interested to hear how your traps work out.

Idahomeboy, I’ve got various mushrooms growing in my chips too. In one area, even morels. But this past summer its been lots of slime mold :frowning:

80 mousetraps? wow… My favorite bait for voles (i get both voles and house mice…but more voles) is a tiny piece of apple…works every time.

I’ve probably killed 15-20 voles this year…bad year for them.

I here you on the slime mold, I’ve seen a lot of it. At first I thought my cats were puking all over the place and I was a bit concerned, then I saw a fresh pile and realized it was something else, a quick Google search solved the mystery.
I wish I knew how to identify mushrooms, they are one of my favorite things in all cuisines :yum: I don’t dare touch them in the wild though, I’ve read too many horror stories. As a kid I ate one from the lawn on a dare and my mother made me spend the evening with a bottle of ipecac :confounded:


Being surrounded by farmland we see lots of voles but I seem to get them worse in the lawn than in the wood chips. Not to say they don’t like wood chips, I’m just saying I haven’t had a problem there. I’ve kept the wood chips right up to the trunks for a couple of years now with no ill effects so far.

80 Mouse traps! Reminds me of the movie Mouse Hunt LOL. We inherited a couple of cats that do a pretty good job of keeping up with the vole population but I still plan on putting up some home made PVC bait stations near my trees over the winter, I’d rather not risk it. A guy down the street lost over 75 1-3 year old trees to voles in one winter.

I grew up picking wild mushrooms. It is favorite national recreational activity in Russia. People just know which mushrooms they can pick and which are extremely poisonous and need to left alone. I loved walking in the forest and searching for the treasures. Unfortunately now I live in Omaha NE and it’s quite dry here, so mushrooms are very rare.

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I’ve only caught six mice and two gophers so far, although the bait (peanut butter with sunflower seeds stuck to it) has disappeared again from most traps again. I tried setting out some apple now.

Trying to decide on what to order for 2016 and I keep thinking about Nadia. Since it was new last year I assume no one has tasted it yet? From the pictures I’ve seen in this thread is it appears to be growing well for most people. Does anyone expect to get a small crop this year? How early will the bloom be and what type of pollination is necessary?

Mine has flower buds expanding now right along with the pluots and J plums. So it will be an early blooming tree. It has all the characteristics of a J plum not a sweet cherry, ie it’s a small plum, a cherry plum, not a big sweet cherry. The flower buds are very small like a plum not big like a cherry. A J plum or pluot will be the right pollinator based on bloom timing and flower characteristics.


I want to know if its possible to graft sweet cherry to a branch of Nadia…? I have one on order, but doubt i’ll be able to find out for a few years.

Mine had flowers on it last year when I planted it, so hopefully it will do the same this year (but actually set fruit). I should probably exercise some restraint and thin it well…