Good point, and Carmine Jewel is on it’s own roots, so should take longer to propagate. I must say though mine grew super fast. it will have a ton of fruit next year. I also have White Gold, it is a very impressive looking tree too.
I have one cherry tree left at my cottage also, Glacier.
Eric, mine hasn’t performed like the ones others are showing either. However, it did put on better growth than any of my other new trees this summer. My summers are always hot and usually dry. This summer was very hot and very dry, and I don’t have the option of doing any major irrigation. I do get nice spring growth, but nearly unnoticeable summer growth in my trees. It could be me, but I’m chalking it up to environment if I can get away with it.
You know, water that falls from the sky being in enough quantity to be useful for irrigation is just so foreign to me. Im such a child of the west…about 15 years ago I visited Minnesota and was honestly flabbergasted by how they farmed on hills. I asked the person I was with how exactly they made the irrigation or sprinklers navigate such obstacles. Duh…It rains.
Great story. Thanks for the laugh.
Speaking of plum x cherry hybrids, there’s a fourth plum x cherry interspecific named “little chum” available for the home gardener, I believe it was created by the Zaigers. The bad news is it is only been sold in Australia.
All I want is a good cherry-plum hybrid, I don’t need two of them, let alone 4.
Of course Nadia may not be it!? The jury is still out. It could taste great but have growing problems here, taste is a major factor, although it has to grow well too.
Speaking of rain we have had a very dry season here. September here average rainfall is 2.11 inches, looks like only 1.21 inches this year.
I have this problem with Citation. I lost two trees on it, and the two remaining ones look like they have canker. It’s not borers I will not buy anything on Citation anymore. It is probably my area, not the rootstock. MSU advises against peach trees on Citation in Michigan.
My Nadia is also leaking goo from the trunk in places. Not real happy with that. Ive also lost trees on citation due to similar goo/gumosis @Drew51. This is why we commonly buy in trees and cut them up on arrival and regraft them to rootstock that works here.
I’m going to grow some peach seedlings and try and salvage the citation trees.
Oh, I just looked closely at my Nadia and I have no goo at all.
Lovell works very well here, and many or most are offered on Lovell, so in most cases I should be fine.
I probably have the only one not on citation here - mine is on Myro, its on what was my Sweet Treat after the original root died this spring. Even though I did the graft very late it has put on 5’ of growth this year… one advantage of grafting to an established stock
I want to know if these hybrid are compatible with sweet cherries in that can i take sweet cherry wood and bud it onto them? My guess is no…but i wonder if its been tried.
Ahh…the power of suggestion. Nadia plum is on St. Julian A rootstock, not Citation. Will post what mine looks like now later today or tomorrow. Mine did survive and grew quite a bit.
Thank you ljkewlj,
I thought I was losing my mind.
My Nadia is also on St.julians. It was a dud most of the summer but finally grew about 14 inches. No oozing but I’m not overly impressed.
Went outside after work this afternoon and it looks like Deer Turnpike just opened up for fall passage! They must have went somewhere for the summer because they haven’t been around here, maybe they went to visit Mrs. G and the beaches there in RI. But now they are back. Looks like they love Nadia, Indian Free and Tomcot leaves. They don’t like hot peppers but they sure look like they love the leaves!
Anyway here’s a pic I took yesterday of my Nadia before the turnpike opened back up. A pic of what it looked like back in Apr. is post 68 and in May is post 78. From the ground to the top is now 9’ tall.
Photo of Nadia in May from a similar angle
My Nadia grew so tall that my raised hand cannot touch the tip of the highest branch. But this really worries me because I do not want to have the huge cherry tree in my back yard. Plus it needs to settle down before winter.
When does Nadia ripen? Bonus points if you live on the west coast.
Probably Mid-June, that’s my educated guess.
Maria, you’re going to have to prune this a few times a year! You can keep it small no worries there.
You can remove as much as 1/3 of the tree three times a year if needed.
Prune it in late winter now. you don’t want to prune now. I usually prune again around July 1st, then a 3rd time about August 15th at the latest.