Nadia Sweet cherry x plum hybrid

My Nadia did well last season. The best time to pick them is when one or two fall off of the tree, if you have many. They should be firm with a very slight give. If they stay on the tree for a few days more, they will be very watery and mushy., not good for fresh eating. Once chilled, they seem to have more cherry flavor to them. All of my friends who tried them said they tasted great! and wanted more. They are usually medium plum sized, some smaller.


A similar looking plum to Nadia is Hollywood. I have only had a couple last year on a small grafted branch. The fruit looks the same, blood red flesh. Tart and a good flavor. The foliage is tinted in red and is outstanding looking. Tends to stay red whereas The Nectaplum foliage looks similiar, not as red, and turns green from red. Both trees are very cool looking and add ornamental value. . I think Hollywood has a darker red flesh color than Nadia. I need to grow Hollywood a few more years to evaluate properly.


@Murky, I think the terroir has a big role in lots of foods, including apples, tomatoes, peppers, even potatoes.

Your other thought touches on something I have often thought about - how we train our palate, or how our culture does. When I have eaten a historic apple, such as Sutton Beauty (seedling in 1848) or much much more distant, Gravenstein (17th Century), I think “That’s what they tasted”. Then I think, no, back then there wasn’t today’s oral hygeine, other foods were different - no added sugar in everything, super processing, canned goods, etc, and I wonder just how they did things taste to people then? Plus there’s our own genetics. The ability to taste, for example, is genetic. 23 & me can predict your sensitivity to cilantro. Sorry, me in the snow day being pedantic :grinning:.

So I think some people tasting “cherry” in their Nadia , but others not, could be terroir, soil and weather conditions, their own palates, and other factors. Even the “vintage”.


@Bear_with_me Good insights, I’m nodding, all plausible to me.

I’m certain that I chemically/physically taste things differently than many. There are some foods that no amount of acclimation could render palatable. A stark example is saccharin. How anybody could intentionally put that in their mouth, if they taste what I taste, still astounds me. It screams “poison” to my tastebuds.

Diet pop/soda from the 70s made water, even to a sweet-toothed kid, look really good.

@RichSV Bear_with_me also has both Hollywood and Nadia producing, with pictures.

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I also have Hollywood grafted to one of my plum trees but prefer the flavor of Nadia and Candy Heart over it and other pluerries, Sugar Twist, Sweet Treat, Flavor Punch along with Flavor King. Plumogranate and Flavor Finale are very good and rate just below Candy Heart and Nadia. Fruitnut, on this forum, says that Candy Heart tastes like Splash pluot, my taste buds disagree. I prefer complex spicy flavoring in general.


Interesting. I have splash on a 4 in 1 Z Sweet pluot tree from Raintree. Last year was its first decent crop, and it was the only of the 4 that made more than 2 fruit. I started eating them before they were ripe. Even then they were pretty good, but pretty sour. When they began softening a little and developing more red coloring they were excellent and very flavorful.


My Zee sweet combo went in the ground in 2017 and I got my first bumper crop of Splash last year also. Its going to hurt but you have to thing them or else. and reduce that cultivar more then the others. I previously had 1 fantastic flavor grenade but after ripping the branch off and reattaching I don’t blame it for being stingy. The few emerald drops tasted better then the Splash.

Yea, I thinned the Splash a couple of times, maybe removed 70%, but they were still a little crowded. They tasted great, especially after hanging with color for a couple of weeks, but they were pretty small.

Flavor Grenade is the runt of the 4. I budded it to try it as its own tree (just checked, patent expired last year). So hopefully it won’t need to compete. But I saw yesterday that its the latest ripening of the 4 by far.

I also have a tree or two of Vince’s mystery Emerald Beaut plums. Based on its early ripening, sounds like it could be a mis-labeled Emerald Drop. I won’t feel guilty about its patent not expiring til 2023 since Raintree sold it to him as Emerald Beaut. But will be kind of funny if I have the same one on multiple trees, and I did pay the royalty at least for the 4 in 1 tree.

I also got some Flavor Queen scion wood.

I have the 4n1 Pulot from raintree also with Dapple Dandy Flavor King, F queen and F supreme. I had good flowering last year but few set and PC got the rest. With all the snow and cold in NJ I think this will be the year for plums.

Currently, my Nadia is blooming. In the same orchard on adjacent trees or two trees away, the following are in partial or full bloom. Mostly full bloom: Hollywood, Shiro, Flavor Supreme, Methley, and Crimson Point ornamental plum, and a seedling grown from a farmers’ market, burgundy skin and flesh “pluot”, which blooms every year and never has fruit. If any of those can pollinate Nadia, this should be the year for some fruits on that one. None of my cherries is in bloom yet.


I have a lot of white and pink tips right now.

Mine are approaching 50% bloom. Splash, nearby, is similar. It’s the first to bloom of the 4 pluots on that tree. Hopefully we’ll get some breaks in the rain, long enough to allow pollenization.

So had a good crop of Nadias last summer. Very sweet plumcherries w some cherry flavour so we were really happy. Lots of blossoms this spring so we’ve been using Qtips to play “bee” & pollinate.

My Nadia blooming.


Now that is a bloom. Not sure i’ve a tree with so many blossoms. Bees all over it?

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Wow! Thats impressive! How old is the tree?

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Geez. I thought I had a good bloom this year. I see all sorts of insects buzzing around mine. But very few of the most recognizable types of bees.

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I have weird looking pollinators that I was not sure were bees. They have waspy legs and are diving into the plum blossoms.

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Just caught them on camera. My Nadia only made 6 blooms this year.


We had something similar looking hanging around our italian plum’s blossoms last year. If I see it again I’ll try get a picture.

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