Nadia Sweet cherry x plum hybrid

I really like Nadia and sweet treat pluerry and Emerald drop Pluot.


My Nadia still isn’t bearing. Maybe it’s the early bloom or wrong pollinators. I have about 6 types of plum within 25 feet, so I don’t know. It’s a vigorous tree, so maybe next year.


There’s always next year.


Maybe we lucky had dry Spring or something my Nadia had more than 20 pounds of fruits this year. Even no pollinators near by.


Another plus for Nadia, is that it seems to keep well. I just ate a fruit that has been sitting at room temperature for about a week, and seems just as good as fresh picked.


Can you make Nanking Cherry x American Plum hybrids and other species of different plum x cherry hybrids please? I would like to see different species of plum x cherry hybrids booming. That will be so cool and interesting! Thanks

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The later picked ones didn’t do as well on the counter. I wasted some that lost palatability sitting on the counter. I wish I’d tried refrigerating some (or made them into jam). Looks like I’m going to be eating store-bought jam this winter. Or maybe I’ll buy some frozen raspberries and make some.


My Nadia crop.


What do you have to pollinate nadia? Mine has bloomed for past three years and ZERO fruit with metheley, Santa rosa, green gage, flavor queen, flavor king, flavor grenade, dapple dandy, splash, sweet treat, sugar twist: Multiples of which have blooms, and bees at the same time.

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All the others have fruit? Maybe your Nadia tree not big enough. Be patient.

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Your Nadia looks great and way ahead of us. How are all your hybrid seedling now? My Sweet treat 6 years old had only 4 fruits every year. Last Fall I bought different one (Sweet Treat) and planted next to Nadia. My new sweet treat have a lot of fruitlets now. So excited.


Did it fail again this year? Maybe give the Nadia a hair cut to encourage new growth.

I won’t rely on pluots (which you have a lot) to cross pollinate Nadia.

I used to have multi-grafted plum tree. The two Japanese plums that bloomed prolifically were Shiro and Beauty. I did not know for sure what cross-pollinated Nadia but I suspected these two played a role.

Your Nadia have bloomed for 3 years but set no fruit. It is a cross pollination issue, not because of the tree maturity.

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I planted Nadia next to Dapple Dandy thinking that, at 70% Japanese plum, it would pollenize Nadia. Both are blooming right now. I was optimistic but, after reading this thread, not so much.

I have grafted Flavor King, Flavor Punch and Toka to Nadia and Candy Heart and Sugar Twist to Dapple Dandy but am thinking I should put a pure Japanese plum on them as well.

Can anyone please recommend a tried and true pollenizer for Nadia?

I suspect that Geo Pride pluot is the likely pollinator for Nadia.

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My nectarine x almond and myrobalan plum x apricot hybrids fruited this year.


For some reason,mine is looking to have a bumper crop,at least compared to previous years.I hand pollinated a little,but it didn’t seem to the extent of the fruit development there is now and it was too cold for bee activity,during bloom.Is this tree partially self fertile?

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I am having that problem too. Sweet Treat is right next to it almost touching branches and a Santa Rosa is ten feet away. Maybe these are not good matches? They bloom at the same time but I only get a couple of fruit that hang on. I might have to graft some branches.

My Nadia has been setting perfectly the last couple of years, doesn’t require a lot of thinning to produce full crop. I’m a little concerned this year could be heavy and require more thinning, but it is too early to say, can just start to see the green tiny fruits hanging from the petal-less stems.

Mine is right next to 4 in 1 pluot, Splash, Geopride, Flavor Grenade, and Emerald Drop. This year also blooming a little further away are Beauty with a few blooms, and Hollywood.

Shiro, Howard Miracle, and some others are over 100 feet away. There is also a huge sweet cherry seedling close by.

I assume the pluots have been the pollenizer the last couple of years.


Replying to my own post. I think I got ahead of myself in the concern for over-setting. I’m guessing it won’t require thinning this year, and will be a smaller crop than last year.

Splash looks to be setting nicely, Flavor Grenade is very low vigor on this tree, but also set some fruit. No Emerald Drop, and maybe no Geopride, but maybe 1 or 2 hiding like the last couple of years.

There are a couple of BB sized (probably) Emerald Drop on a different tree. I’m really hoping to get to taste it for the first time this year. I’ll also probably be looking for Flavor Grenade scion wood this winter. This tree probably won’t have much suitably sized wood, and I’d prefer another source in case the reason for this one’s low vigor comes along for the ride.