Nikita Pineapple Guava

Same here.


Our typical February.


My February in my yard here in Seattle was a LITTLE different :joy:


I wasn’t expecting any fruits this year from such a young plant, but …


Wow! Mine is just starting to bloom. Have you tasted Nikita before?


I look forward to your report :slight_smile:

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At a CRFG scion exchange a few years ago,Mark Albert was there,giving away wood from some of his varieties.I told him,the two plants of mine,were Mammoth and Nikita.He said Mammoth was crap,but said nothing of Nikita.So,maybe the flavor is good.
Mark could be spoiled by the ones he’s growing.

We have the additional constraint of a short growing season.

Larry’s is the best I’ve had, but I’ve only tried maybe 5 or 6 different kinds and some of those were probably from seedlings and/or not fully ripe.

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I am sure there will be lots of fruit this year from several varieties – including Nikita.

The question is whether the fruit will have any sweetness at all or will even size up decently given how heat challenged we have been in the puget sound region. Lack of heat is a genuine obstacle to growing fruit.

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Anyone have any scions for sale? I just have Coolidge and Naemtaz. I would like to graft some better varieties.

@shaxs put yourself on the waiting list at One Green World.

1st of 3 fruits that set this year.


This plant is how old?..

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In posts 1 and 2, you can see the plant straight out of the box in June 2019 and then planted in the ground the following month.

Congrats. Let us know how it tastes. I think Ram recently called it a dud, for not developing fruit. Mine hasn’t matured fruit yet, but my season is much shorter too.

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The texture is not gritty and the flavor is very good – although not as strong as other cultivars. Janet liked it, her 1st pineapple guava ever.


For some reason or other, Nikita blooms well but doesn’t size up after bloom. Others planted right next to it are swelling.

@ramv - maybe @Stan has some insights.

No big deal. The patented New Zealand varieties appear to be more reliable this far north. Definitely more precocious. One of the fruits is almost the size of your Nikita already. I expect it will only full ripen in October/November and should be quite large then.