Labels often list pests that they aren’t especially good at controlling- a good example is myclobutanil and brown rot. I believe it still lists it as a pest it is suited for, however, university guidelines have long since dropped it from their recommendations regarding brown rot except to control the blossom rot stage, which generally isn’t a problem for me.
When I started growing fruit in the northeast it was difficult to find my way because almost the only reliable info came from Cornell and their mandate was strictly about guiding commercial fruit production- even if it took 12 sprays in a season to produce pristine fruit. Nevertheless, I still refer to their guidelines and any research based info that can help me develop my own methods to control my pests to suit my needs.
The smartest thing I ever did was to not spray at all for the first couple of years so I could identify my pest problems and then I gradually figured out what is the least amount of intervention I can do and still get sound fruit that stores well.
It is a life long process and which you refine as new products and pests emerge.
I have read that malathion has excellent knock down power against brown marmorated stink bugs. However, in spite of early alarms from university sources, they never became an important pest in my region except for one season in one small area of the orchards I manage. Assail seems to do a good job against green stink bugs and tarnished plant bugs which are the prominent bug pests in my area- TPB is almost always a problem for peaches and nectarines in my own orchard if I don’t control it- not so much at other orchards I manage.
Every site has it’s own profile of pests. This year they’ve been very light- except for brown rot in my entire region. Better still, squirrel pressure seems non-existent.
My customers spent thousands of dollars over all to have my helper install baffles and they may prove not to have been needed. Pressure from coons and possums is also low. Everything died out last winter, apparently- from bugs to mammals. Too many failed acorn crops, I guess. Blossom blight of mast trees from very wet springs.