Persimmons 2024

The one from the seed he sent? Unfortunately, it was very small the first year and didn’t wake up this year, so it is gone. Based on how it grew the first year, I don’t think it had good vigor so probably wouldn’t have worked out as much of a tree.

I believe I have Morris Burton #3 from him grafted into my Prok, which is growing well, but no fruit this year. I’m looking forward to tasting that hopefully next year. There was also a i-94a that is doing okay, but not growing very strongly so we’ll see how it fares.

I had a few Japanese Beetles earlier this summer and quite a few big green “June bugs” but I have nothing here now that I have seen

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Garretson was listed as one of his favorites by Lee Reich, who is on this list. He lives in way upstate NY, so it’s very cold there. Must be hardy there.

John S


Prok is on the top left and the others are two more BB that fell off. Prok was bland and disappointing compared to last year. BB was bland and disappointing again. Not sure what is up with this. Not a single Prok last year tasted this bland. No apparent damage of any sort on any of them to induce early ripening. We’ve been in a drought for around 6 weeks and I haven’t done any watering. If anything that should have helped the flavor. I’m still hopeful that flavor will improve later in the season and this isn’t just a weird, off year for all of them.

Lehman’s Delight is colored up and looks like it could fall in a week or two. JT-02 is just starting to show a little color. Kassandra is showing a little more on several of them.


@Ahouse422 … i collect persimmons from 7-8 wild trees and my sisters (rich tooie).

The previous 3 years all of these tasted very similar.

Rich tooie had an especially rich caramel like aftertaste.

Persimonilla was a very good flavored young persimmon tree… but nothing all that special.

Then last fall… Rich Tooie lacked the rich aftertaste. Still good but not nearly as special.

Persimonilla last year gained a very nice vanilla aftertaste… that had not been there the previous 3 years. It was my favorite persimmon last year by far.

In the case of Persimonilla… it is a young tree… so the flavor improvement could be from maturing ?

In the case of rich tooie… it is 60-70 years old.
Not sure what could have affected its flavor.

I have not experienced a persimmon that previously tasted good… going completely bland.

I have Prok, Barbaras Blush, H63A, H118, JT02, Journey, Kasandra, Nakitas Gift grafted onto wild rootatock here… but no fruit yet. Perhaps next year.



Lehman’s Delight fell off. Seems too early for LD here. Maybe something besides external damage, possibly our drought, is inducing early ripening. First taste of LD was very mild, better than BB and previous Prok from this year. Not as good as Proks last year. No astringency.

Two more Proks fell off. Flavor is the best I’ve had this year. Still mild, not quite as good as last year’s Proks, but not disappointing.

I’m hoping that some of these “tame” persimmons will have the same great rich flavor my favorite wild ones do. Holding out hope BB will improve later in the season and Kassandra and JT-02 will have a good showing in October.


Coffee cake - one ripened. Much smaller than usual. Zero astringency but not as sweet as they are usually.


I named this one Pennsylvania Precocious. It is seedling that I had planned to graft onto but didn’t get around to it and now I’m glad I didn’t. It is a week or two earlier then Prok and about the same size. It has a really good american presimmon flavor. I mentioned it a couple years ago. I have given some scions to a few people but I would be happy to send out more this winter if any one else has an interest


I could suspect some factors. First could be change in weather conditions, I mainly mean the amount of rain, heat and sunlight. The second one (exclusively for Rich Tooie) is the sterilization of the soil, due to the fact that the plant has been growing there for several dozen years and may not have been fertilized for most of this period.The third (Persimonilla) tree may have previously had too little green mass to produce the right proportions of chemical compounds (sugars, acids, aromatic compounds).

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Look’s really nice, it’s a native seedling or from cultivated / named trees ?

I ordered it as Miss Kim from Burnt Ridge. It froze back to the graft the first year. They had grafted it to american rootstock but I have no idea where or how they sourced it.


I spoke with Mike Dolan(Burntridge nursery owner) about your tree. He said that all his rootstock is from early golden seeds.
Clearly the pedigree is there.


H63a is coloring up here

Coffee cake already ripened a couple. But that might be drought stress

Here is how the rest look


Thank you for checking into that. I don’t have Early Golden but from the pictures I have seen as well as descriptions that seems very plausible.


Pretty lucky for you. You had 50/50 that it would be a male and instead got a nice fruiting female. Kind of makes up for your original loss. To me it’s an improvement over an asian.


Does anyone have a Harvest Calendar / Ripening Order Chart for Named Americans or Hybrids?

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1… Journey hybrid (first to ripen)
2… Mohler american (early August)
3… Prok american (late August)

Just from reading descriptions provided by Cliff at Englands Orchard… it starts off something like that.

He says that Journey hybrid is first to ripen in his orchard.

I have all 3 of those but they have not fruited yet… may find out for sure in a year or two.

H-118 Early Jewell he says is very early but does not add an actual date for it.

Early Golden… has early in the name but no mention of how early it actually is in his description.



I think that can vary a bit based on where people are. Some varieties might respond differently to high heat. Some others that can start dropping early (before Prok) are H63A, Garretson, Geneva Long, H55A, …

For the Claypool varieties, the spreadsheet lists E M L for a number of them.


Does anyone know what software is used for the (acn) maturity chart?

Had the only 1 BB today. Tastes more similar to Asian, pure sweetness. Surprised to find 2 well developed seeds in it. I am not aware of any male American persimmon trees in the neighborhood and my proks have only tiny undeveloped soft seeds.