Problems with Karmijn de Sonnaville

Most of my KdS are fine, but a few have cracks and peculiar russetting. If anybody has experience with this kind of thing I’d appreciate hearing about it.



First year fruit for me and I had a few of those as well we had abnormal temperatures so I don’t know if that was a cause.

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Mine is ripening just fine here in the PNW.
Exceptional, intense flavor.


I’m getting my first handful. Don’t have much time in the orchard lately. First one wasn’t bad, had a little of that stuff going on. Also had strange growth at the stem end.

I’m guessing that I won’t like it as much as Rubinette. Unfortunately I let my Rubinette hang too long. Tastes great, but not crisp. I should aim for mid September next year instead of early October - assuming similar conditions, maybe I should try early September.

When I get a chance, I’ll try more Karmijn de Sonnaville. @ramv do you eat them straight from the tree, or do they benefit from some time in the fridge? For damaged fruit, which most of mine may be, I favor things that taste good tree ripe - since they’ll rot in storage.

On the same multigrafted tree, none of the Honeycrisp are edible, and the Goldrush are mostly unscathed - as an example. I’ll probably excise Honeycrisp from that tree, but its currently providing the counterbalance on a leaning tree. I don’t wan to take too much weight off of that side.


@murky, I leave my KdS to ripen on the counter for about 2 weeks. I’ve had them direct off the tree but they are really tart at that stage.

I too prefer Rubinette as it can be eaten straight off the tree. I think it is also sweeter.
My favorite this year is Hudson’s Golden Gem followed closely by Golden Russet/Rubinette (tie)

This year Cherry cox has been spectacular. Last year it was too tart without as much balancing sweetness.


I picked some of my KdS probably a little early, and I’m hoping they’ll improve in storage, but there are still several branches on the tree that are loaded. Some have been good off the tree, but pretty tart.

My Rubinette are awfully slow to color this year. I suppose I should snag one and test it. Also waiting on the Calville Blanc, Gold Rush (foolish to try this far north, but you never know), a few Winesap, Haralson, and Carousel (Cameo). Ate a couple of the last just yesterday but they hadn’t developed much flavor. Beautiful to look at, though.

Goldrush does not ripen properly here. It ripened two years ago (picked in Jan!) but last year was a flop. I will probably get rid of it.

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I left mine on tree to try and sweeten up did a little but then fermented on tree. Next year I’ll try on counter for a couple of weeks. Either to much flavor On tree or fermented. Maybe next year.

I’ve had great Hudson’s Golden Gem from our fruit tastings, but the ones I grow are among the worst for insect damage which I don’t generally spray for. I’ll probably remove it after failing to get good apples for more than 5 years each at multiple sites.

It’s also grafted way to high in my tree anyway.

Yeah, don’t snooze on your Rubinette. I bet mine tasted best before they were at their prettiest. There were only 3 this year on my espalier, so I tried (too successfully) to be patient.

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Thanks for the heads up. On a similar note my Cox’s Orange Pippin are looking nice so I sampled a little one. Close, but not best yet. Also need to keep an eye on a few Jonagold and Prairie Spy and I think a couple of Kidd’s Orange Red. Judging gets touchy, especially when you only have a few of each to test.

Also losing a few to squirrels. Little b*strds.

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Here is one of my KDS.


Shouldn’t be redder?

Hmm. Maybe because I cover all my apples with maggot barriers. Very few of my apples develop a rich color.

Mine seem quite variable as to redness. Sun matters, I’m sure, but there’s something else.

My Red Belle de Boskoop had the same thing. It’s first year bearing, just a handful of apples. Very strong tasting and sour fresh as mentioned of KdS. I let a couple of them age a couple of weeks in the cellar despite the damage. They half rotted but the un-rotted half did mellow out nicely making it an edible apple with good flavor. Texture was a little soft but I can’t really fault that given the apples were compromised. We’ll see what happens next year!


I had the same type of damage to my Zabergau apples a few years back. That was the first year that had ever happened. Normally they are pretty bulletproof with great looking russet apples. The one year they mostly looked like you KdS apples. I think someone said it was apple scab. I am not sure if that is correct or not. No one else has offered any other suggestion. I will see if I can find that thread again and review what comments were made.

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