I can’t remember the name, but it was a synonym for Heritage. I don’t know if the breeding program actually used Heritage in the parentage. It was mentioned in a thread here from a while ago, and I couldn’t find plants for sale anywhere at the time.
One of my peach tree is growing mini-shoots on a new shoot (current year growth). Should I remove these baby shoots?
native plums. one is a named variety the other is “Beach plum”. they’ve never flowered in 3 years, they die back hard over winter and then grow lush aphid magnet shoots. is there anything that will help them survive and produce fruit? they are knee -high. if I can’t get anything from them I’ll move them to a less accessible area and let them sink or swim without care.
they also bush and hang down, very few upright branches.
secondary related question. these were sent to me when I ordered sour cherries, the label says “ornamental” though! I put them in last spring. I’ve put a few grafts on them down low of other cherries thinking they would not be edible fruits, yet they flowered and now there are indeed baby fruit forming.
is grafting low then cutting a good idea for these? will the cherries they do make, be edible? any thoughts welcome. they’re waist high and droop over quite a lot, thin whips.
What I do with mine this time of year,is let them grow,step back and walk around the tree.If anything looks out of place,usually taller than other growth,then cut it off.
I’ll do that during the growing period.
Checking out Starks sale. Is it to late to plant bare root strawberries and asparagus crowns?
No idea on the first. The sour cherries, well mostly ornamental value would be flowers and autumn foliage. But the fruit set looks promising. You should wait and taste them before culling. Nobody can really tell if an unknown variety/seedling tastes great or mouthpuckering just by looking.
Thanks, I looked up that these shoots are called sylleptic shoots normally grown as a response to heavy pruning.
perhaps this is the reason why the tree isn’t flowering, the new growth doesn’t reach required maturity for EU plums (2+ yrs).
so native plums are European plums?
I ordered late one year from Stark, not exactly strawberries and asparagus. It was caneberries and grapes. The stocks I got when approaching June was older and poorer quality, and have higher chance of failure. They’re cheaper to compensate.
I believe asparagus and strawberries are quite hardy (more than caneberries and grapes). I’ve had fairly old crowns that I didn’t think would make it surprise me by growing fine. I think you’ll likely still get good results. If you don’t, you can easily get a credit from Stark, so if you have time, I’d say go for it.
ah, thought beach plum were EU plums. Found this in my neighborhood today, few fruits are turning color already, googling for beach plum kind of matches this fruit.
I’m stumped now, it looks very different to mine
They’re shipping dormant plants, so you can probably put them in whenever. You may need to baby them more with water as they won’t have had two or three months to establish themselves.
In the reference category, prunus genus has a long list of stone fruit.
I believe a native plum is a wild plum
Wild plum - prunus americana
Euro plum - prunus domestica
Japanese plum - prunus salicina
Beach plum - prunus maritima
I don’t know what yours is.
There’s also Prunus nigra the Canadian plum and Prunus angustifolia the Chickasaw plum that it might be. Confusingly NONE of these three species are actually native to where @resonanteye is
Have you checked the link.
Are the species you mentioned on the list? If not, you can add them. That reference allow people to edit and add.
Sorry I just meant specifically the plum species native to north America that have the highest fruit quality and are the most likely to be sold as “native plums” in America. That link just lists huge amounts without that kind of context.
That link deals mainly with grafting compatibility.
Anyone growing Princess Trees? Not the fruit. Having trouble germinating from seed.
I think the Canadian is what I was trying to get but now I’m clueless. if they don’t produce next year they’re going to the devil strip to tough it out