There’s a bunch sparely naturalized in SW VA. Not sure the germination rate, may be low as I don’t see too many around. They’re unmistakable with the dinner plate sized leaves and purple flowers in spring, and rattling seed pods.
No experience planting bare root straws this late, but I grabbed the same asparagus deal from starks last year in June and both Millineum and purple asparagus both did well getting going—especially the Millineum. That one grew fast and big pretty quickly after planting. I’m super impressed with Millineum overall, it is super productive compared to purple and a couple other jersey varieties I planted. At least in my yard with my soil…
It’s the Stark deals I was looking at. Think I will take your advice with the Milineum. I tried Purple Passion last year and it was so weak it didn’t show up this year. 10 crowns for $5 with free shipping is pretty hard to beat.
That was my exact thoughts last year. I hadn’t planned on putting any Millineum in at all but saw the deal last year and was like what the heck it’s cheap even if it doesn’t grow… I actually picked up 25 more from Indiana berry this spring with a credit I had from the previous year since the Millineum did so well for me last year. Good luck
Does anyone know if the shorter branch on the right of my apple espalier will grow out more or how to make it more even as the left branch?
I will be cutting back the leader this winter closer to the first tier.
You could make a notch above the small branch. That is a pretty thin central leader, however. I think a little more time will help even things out.
Let it grow upright for a bit, then bend it back down?
Thank you @ZombieFruit and @evilpaul
Yes, my apple tree so still quite young, this is the 2nd year in the ground so far. I let it establish last year and bent the first branches down this growing season. I think I will release the right branch and hopefully it will grow out more
Hopefully it hasn’t stopped growing just yet, it is getting a bit warm here.
Cut back the leader now to 4 inches (don’t wait). That will force more growth to the laterals. Keep it cut back periodically. Tie the left cordon down at the tip, and free the one on the right somewhat. It should grow more aggressively.
Any cabbage variety recommendations for the Philly, PA area?
I have a pawpaw I grafted 2 years ago. Last year it leaved out and grew ok. This year it has not yet leaved out. Anyone have a tip on how to encourage it to leaf out?
It still scratches green.
A few of my apples have contracted cedar rust, I’ve sprayed them with copper a few times, but when do I know if it’s done anything? Is this a big deal because the tree is young and not producing fruit this year? Do I just let them be for the season and spray early next spring? Thanks!
Cedar apply Rust, spray with myclobutanil (a brand Immunox is easy to find) at petal fall and 10-14 days later is very effective. Don’t think copper spray will do much.
I would check the trunk over to make sure there aren’t any physical issues like ambrosia beetle holes or vole damage. I’ve had a vole damaged pawpaw that was really late to leaf out once before and came up from the roots. The trunk wasn’t completely dead yet but was in the process of dying back. Otherwise some pawpaws can be much later than others to leaf out without seeing an obvious issue. I’ve also seen plenty of young pawpaws that are slow to bounce back from one issue or another, including grafting. Root damage isn’t going to be obvious. If it still scratches green, that’s good. I wouldn’t be too worried yet. I would just be patient with it and give it a bit of fertilizer. I’d be more worried about it if it’s still the same way come July.
my sister grows savoy cabbage up by Bethlehem, and my aunt and uncle in Philly itself grow them and the variety “early dutch” which seem to do very well for them. I know they plant very early in season, in the window in about Feb then the plants go out in March.
Do plum/pluot/pluerry trees go through alternate/erratic bearing? Is it as bad as some citrus trees? (as in, basically impossible to correct once it happens).
Two Questions:
1-Can you grow asparagus in a large pot? On line says they will only survive 3-5 years. Any experience with it?
2-Anyone know of any (on line) resources for doing a plum espalier. Couldn’t find any you tube video on pruning or anything else.
Plum trees generally aren’t done in the standard espalier style. Plums are usually trained as fans. Google “fan training plum trees”.
Toka/Bubblegum plum…what do people use to cross pollinate it?
Evilpaul, I would love to know the answer. I have a lot of plums and my Toka rarely sets fruit.