The fruit looks like seckle. It is not a true seckle if it is not growing in clusters. It can be a type of seckle even if it does not grow in cluseters like seckle. How big do the fruits get? This is what fruit looks like on seckle. It grows in clusters always.
It could be several types
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Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices - ’ 1 ’ UGl ANNALS, APR 95 * MOV 4 919 I WORDEN SECKEL PEAR. SYRACUSE NURSERIES SMITHS & POWELL COMPANY, SYRACUSE, N. Y. \ I Worden Seckel Pear. THIS beautiful Pear was originated by Mr. Sy…
Who knows this variety? Found partial information cached “An old American prized aromatic dessert pear. The skin is a striking dark maroon, dusted with pale lenticels, and the small pointed leaves are frequently” from a website since removed http://www.elisabethdowle.com/products/pear-giant-seckle.asp
You might ask why I care and it’s because its the cross between Giant Seckel and Comice that led to Warren and Magness pears. Would really like to continue to that experiment. In addition I loca…
In that photo you took it looks like ayers
After many years of growing this pear 25+ i find its been mislabeled (red bartlett was actually ayers) and under appreciated in so many ways. It seems its the only tree on my property consistently misidentified so many times An untagged pear wound up being Ayers - Been wanting that variety ! Since i thought they were two types of pears i have 4 full trees of this variety and many limbs grafted here and there. This year Kansas is short on pear blooms but ayers is covered. It seems to have goo…