De Tres Esplets ripened here in the high tunnel (barely) November 11. We’d had several hard frosts by then, including 18F one night. Hopefully theyll get an earlier start next year and we’ll get some actual sun.
Good looking figs and great pictures
These are my in ground no protection figs , no winter damage and sets a decent Breba crop.
Hardy Chicago, Salem Dark , Carini and Malta Black . ( 04-25-2024 )
What are your favorite breba producers?
them pear flavored ones sound interesting and good. if you grow or get any cuttings I would surely love to try to root them for my greenhouse/garden
If I have to pick from these four it is Salem dark . In our climate it is a hit or miss since I do not protect my figs at all.
Now years later……which is better, Black Madeira or Preto?
Nice looking trees!
Howdy. Did your Malta Black take a few years for taste to become good? This will be year 4 for my in-ground MB and so far taste is a dud, far surpassed by fellow Mt Etna Takoma Violet. Do you pick from a ladder?
Malta Black (in fabric pot) didn’t impress me either. Chicago Hardy, Sal’s GS, RLBV, RDB and VDB were much better under similar growing conditions.
Genetic testing confirmed that BM and Preto are identical; they are same exact fig.
It’s the same fig or nearly so. That said my Preto tree produces the best figs of this type. More and bigger. Taste the same. But this is a tree thing not the name/variety.
Fig taste and production, like most fruits, are very dependent on growing conditions. Taste and size varies a lot even within one growing season.
My MB is only about 5 to 6 feet tall 3rd year or fourth year in ground. Taste is not that great either was removing it last year but going to give another year or two.
No I just pull the branch and pick my figs from ground . I should have prune my figs this year but did not so I will get some breba and about two weeks earlier main crop due to not prune.
Grafting Figs: I’m rolling the dice and grafting six choice varieties into my five established in-ground trees, hoping I get a few crops of these new varieties before the next winter that top-kills everything. Just don’t want to plant more trees and care for them. Stay tuned.
My CH Fig is staked and pulled for max sunshine to each of 10 shoots.
Those shoots normall start producing ripe figs in August and finish in November.
The shoots normally get 9 to 11 ft tall by season end and I do bag and pick from a step ladder in Oct/Nov.
We normally get around 400 figs from this one tree. Awesome producer of awesome fruit.
Figlets are starting to pop. First up is Campaniere. Florea and Red Lebanese Bekaa Valley are right behind.
How were the Malta Black Brebas? Are they close to the main crop?