Stacey Pear fruit

I have a beautiful healthy moderate sized 14 year old Stacey pear that has given me a few small fruit since age six. The last two years a bumper harvest of 22 to 36! That’s individuals, not pounds. The fruit have all been small more or less “pear” shaped. This year had just a handful of blossoms and at some point I noticed 2 “usual shaped” small pears. I picked them too early the end of Aug. but appreciated the little fruits nonetheless. Then a few weeks later I saw one more, but this one was larger and to my surprise - round. Picked it Sept. 9. A very nice 2 x 2 1/4". I looked online at the few photos I could fine. A few showed the pear shape and a few round (including Fedco which is where I’d purchased the tree).

So I’m wondering, those who have Stacey Pear, what is your fruit like? I’m hoping my tree decides to continue with the larger (relatively speaking) round fruit, and soon a larger harvest. Sue



That round pear looks exactly like the Tenns AKA Tennessee Pear.

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Sue i have this pear grafted on a mountain ash and it has its 1st. 4 fruits developing right now. how has it done for you since 2017? taste?


Large seckle, ayers and others look much like tenn but i think you and i are some of the few that grow it. Stacy is not Tenn as we know. It does look like it but i.want to clarify that for others reading this Tenn pear . They do look a lot alike from photos in many ways.

Hi Steve - I had a real nice harvest in 2018, mixed small to “large” (2 1/2") round fruit. Made sauce of some and ate some fresh. Thought they were tasty - sweeter when riper but also good when still crunchy. Didn’t keep long but maybe I waited too long to pick (end of August).

Unfortunately in 2020 we got hit hard with fireblight and I lost my Stacey tree. I had never had much trouble with FB before, but It was a record hot, record long, summer. Also lost many different grafts on an old rootstock tree, and almost lost that 40 yr old tree. Summercrisp tree came through fine (too bad its fruit isn’t that great). As much as I liked Stacey i won’t replant. With the changing weather patterns I expect I’ll be living with FB now. Hope yours continues and does well. Sue



Weather patterns are changing signifigantly here as well. Like you , trees like harrow delight that were good for me in the past now sometimes are devastated by fireblight. Most of the pear trees i grow are as fireblight resistant as it gets.

we had a very hot and wet summer last year and Stacey came through fine. i got 2 strikes on housi in the last couple years. maybe because its on mountian ash stock, it helped the pear wood fight off fireblight? ive never seen it on mtn. ash and my property is surrounded by it…