T-budding tutorial

Thanks Jsacadura! I’ll give this technique a try. Do you directly cover the bud with the parafilm? If so, I take it you cut away the parafilm when forcing the bud? I know when I first started grafting, I applied too many layers of parafilm and the buds couldn’t get through.

Of the first chip buds I did on 6/23, the budding tape (like cellophane) seems to have done better than the electrical tape. But, I didn’t use any rubber bands that time to compare. I also only had chip buds that time.

I did another dozen buds today and used budding tape for some and rubber bands for others. (mostly TBuds, along with a few chips). This time it was into all green wood on suckers at the base of an apricot which died back to the ground due to a hard frost in April (~16F).