The best 96 pages on growing fruit I've found!

This guide published by Oregon state is very accurate on its advice. The document discusses rootstocks and scions relationships in regards to vigor and other difficult to find information. Much of what’s published in this document took me years to learn! Highly recommend reading this!

2013_jj_grafting_fruit_trees.pdf (3.9 MB)


Thanks for adding the link

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That should go in our Resources section




“Good ‘stuff’, Maynard”- thanks for the link. I’ll be sharing it with a couple of friends.

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Grafting was kind of a mystery to me, but just seeing the illustrations and how everything is supposed to fit together was great! I guess a picture is worth a thousand words.

I never thought of grafting scions into a rootstock before. Just figured I’d buy trees. But now, seeing that, I’m kind of tempted to try my hand at a few.

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This is great, thanks for sharing, Clark, and thanks Scott, for adding it to our resources! Light reading for this evening in my future, lol!!

Patty S.

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Nice. Curious to see what he said about honeycrisp. I’ve never read that about its heritage. Everything I’ve ever read said honeygold x macoun.

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Thanks for sharing!

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Wish there were more guides like this one published.

Sorry for the necro thread but the link is now dead… Anybody happen to have another link to the location of this or happen to actually still have this file?


2013_jj_grafting_fruit_trees.pdf (3.9 MB)


Thank you so very much!!! Downloaded and uploaded to my dropbox :+1:

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Link at top patched to point to @snowflake’s file :slight_smile:


Thanks Scott!

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