What did you eat today - that you grew?

I had to pick these Oro Blanco grapefruits in today, I saw evidence of something eaten one. So they are a bit green but I take no chance by leaving them out there. I will make some sort of grapefruit and arugula salad. Last year it’s a hit with my family, especially serving it with very fatty fish like swordfish.


Another leaf lettuce harvest in December.
Some serious cold is on the way…


Ate the last of my Fuji apples yesterday. It was a small one, still quite crisp and good. I’m sure they’d keep thru January if I didn’t eat them all first.


I left these onions in the ground last year. I just pulled one up today, 3 very nice and fat green onions.


Coroa de Rei :yum:


@Luisport … I ran out of persimmons a few weeks back. That looks so good.

Hope I get to try one of those some day.

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Yes it’s very good and it’s maturing inside house

French Breakfast, green onions, baby arugulas, baby escarole,watercress, and lots of herbs.


Ya need a little 'cress in there.

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That’s an old cress, no more little cress, I’m trying to get rid of them.

My wife asked for lasagna for her birthday. Spring never came this year, so we didn’t do a vegetable garden, but she planted some collard seed in the summer.

We didn’t have spinach, so I used collards with the ricotta.

Olive oil, salt, pepper flakes, low heat, covered until tender. They are delicious like this, if I was cooking as a side, I’d have added splash of vinegar and some smoked paprika.

Flavor was subtle, but texture was good, and added nutrition:

Also used oregano from the yard.



Stupid computer asks me if OH? is a complete sentence. Yes, it is!


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve been missing out on this thread. I have no photos to add right now, but I just started some sprouts yesterday that should be ready in about 5 days. Also, the snow is supposed to melt by Saturday or so, so I’m planning to go out to see if I can dig up some turnips. Other than that, I’ll have a few eggs that my chickens laid for supper. :slight_smile:


leftover ham and fresh eggs for supper here as well.

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Is that
Green Eggs & Ham, Dr. Seuss?

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Got my leaf lettuce thru the deep freeze (low of 3F) with incandescent Christmas lights.

This morning temps are at 36 now and rising with sunshine. I just uncovered them for the first time in 4 days.

We have 10 day forcast now that looks good for leaving them uncovered. Looks like we may continue eating fresh leaf lettuce into January… love it !!!


Potatoes! Ratte Potatoes!


Just finished a pint of heritage reds… thawing out some ohio treasure blacks now…

Nice to have raspberries thru winter.


made a raspberry upside down cake from mine for xmas dessert. was a hit with vanilla bean ice cream.


I cut some collard greens today. I’m running out of vegetables to eat.

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