What did you eat today - that you grew?

Having backyard chickens is the best move I’ve made. Love my ladies! Your dish looks delicious.


Annie . . . of course the flavor didn’t change much!
When there’s not much flavor to begin with - hey -there’s not gonna be much flavor 5 months later!
Hope you have your sense of humor intact, when you read this. It is meant ‘in fun’. I noticed blooms on some of my 2 year old Asian pear grafts! Some of them came from you, I’m sure! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Those dappled leaves are gorgeous! Trillium? I may have to use your photos as references for a painting. They are truly stunning!
Can I ask a favor, Trev? Will you post shots of them when they bloom? Please?

I had my chickens for a year and then gave them, coop and all, to a friend. I loved many things about them - their funny antics. Their sweet little sounds. Even their ‘companionship’. But I finally HAD IT with their poop all over my walkways and having all of my flower beds kicked around and perennials’ roots dug up. I got tired of having to rake it all back in place.
Now my friend can ‘love them’ . . . and she promised to bring me eggs. She is tickled with all the flock secrets I shared with her . . . ‘who lays first’, ‘who is head hauncho’, ‘who is the friendliest’, etc etc.


I prefer the Asian pear to European pear. Although Asian pear doesn’t have a lot of flavor, or sweetness, but for someone who are used to its flavor, one would say European pear is too dense, too mushy, too sweet, lack of Juiciness, and crunchy.
There are some fruits that I don’t buy (once a year the most) from grocery store, one is grapes, another is European pears. Most grapes in grocery store lack of flavor, I prefer slip skin type with concord aroma grapes. Lack of flavor is one reason, another reason is that it can add too much sugar into diet to mess up my carb intakes. I am not overweight, I have been wearing size zero for the past 15 years , but If i don’t watch my diet closely, the size can go up pretty fast, you know what I mean.
I just finished my last year’s Asian pears. These , I think are drippin honey, were found in refrigerator and turned into a “prune” but inside still the Asian pear taste , refreshing.


@PomGranny … i will hunt that same location a few more times … like every 4 or 5 days… and especially a couple days after a rain… until dogwood blossoms start to fade.

Hopefully i can find a trillium in bloom.

Mayapple is just up now too…

Ginseng will start popping up soon.

Pink Sorrell should be showing up on my next trip. It is very pretty. It has green and purple leaves and pink blossoms.

There is some pink sorrell from a couple years ago. It is quite tasty too.


those are at the stage I like them best. so sweet inside

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Today it rained so I stayed inside and did my tax and also baked 2 loaves of lemon pound cake using my own Lisbon lemons. This is it no more Lisbon lemons.
This loaf is for my art teacher because she just sold her house and her family is living in an RV, tight quarter and no room for doing anything.


Parsnips, only one carrot, and green onions, these vegetables are great for the garden, they dig down to the soil.

Collard greens


Is the parsnip leaf edible? My grocery store bought parsnip in garage starts grow. I have not decided to eat it or plant in outside when the weather is warm

My paternal grandfather raised parsnips, but that’s one thing I’ve not tried.
Perhaps I should.

I have planted icicle radishes, turnips, kohlrabi, and have some rutabaga seeds for planting…for this year. That’s the root crops, plus a couple potato and maybe a peanut–I’ve not raised peanuts in about 50 years.

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I don’t think they are edible, they could be toxic. The leaves are beautiful though.

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if you like radishes try growing Korean radish or mu. i got the seed off esty. they get nearly as big as rutabagas and are sweet and less kick than other radish. i fermented mine and also made radish kimchi. they are also very good in salads or just strait up and keep for a long time. grew them in wash bins in my grow room.


This is what I make with parsnips.


I love parsnip fryers. Airfry parsnip strips tossed in oil is delicious.


Somehow my air fryer is not working as well, I’m going to roast in the oven.

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I saved some large bag, am going to plant potato in bag this year. Just fun to try

I tried to grow peanuts in a pot. It is not very productive but still harvested some edible peanut. We don’t have long enough growing season in Chicago. Grow peanut requires efforts.


I get mine fresh from the farmers market, they are so good. I like to steam fresh peanuts.


I like fresh peanut with shells on. I boil them in water with salt and eat as snack. It’s so good, can’t stop eating till all gone


Of course with shells on, but no salt added for me.

Mixed salad greens, and greens I will cook: spinach, kale, collards, mustards, dandylion. Herbs french tarragon, lemon thyme, sage, chives. Everything just harvested but the eggs, they were gathered yesterday. Spring is here and im SO thankful!