What fruits did you eat today?

First taste of what I suspect to be Twenty Ounce apple: 3" high x 3 - 3 1/2" wide, heavily striped fruit. 14 Brix, fat brown seeds; nice juicy bite with good balance of sweet to tart. Will find a way to bake with it soon.

Earwigs alerted me to its ripeness. They like it, too - about 20 infesting three apples. I will cover it with footies in future to keep insects out. Might have to paint its lower trunk with Tanglefoot or whatever it is called to slow them down.

Or get ducks.

This came by accident - had ordered something quite different. Two websites note Twenty Ounce is also called Blessing. Might look at it that way…


I ate one of my coffee cake persimmons last night. It was better than Matsumoto or Izu, but it has nothing on the virginiana cultivars.


Earwigs found their way inside footies when I tried them. You may have better luck or do a better job of securing footies than I, but there’s my observation for what it’s worth.

Asian pears, 20th Century (left) and Hosui ( right)


the dates look yummy

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They were excellent. I need to get some more.

Ate my last Hardired nectarine off the tree in the greenhouse. Cool summer here this year had peaches and nectarines ripening about a month later than last summer.


Yeah, they don’t carve from the broad side of fruit with footies wrapped all 'round. Maybe near the stem. Some folks spray with Surround. I might give that a try.

BTW, stripped the Bardsey of apples today: one otherwise beautiful fruit (deep pink over at least half) had a 1/2 inch excavation packed with earwigs. This has been an unusual summer that way.

We are eating these apples, they are Shizuka variety or might be something else, I am not sure that they are true to name. They are juicy crunchy sweet with little acidity. Nice apples and are very easy to grow.


Made a nice PawPaw bread.

Really good … tastes like Vanillia Custard :yum:

Too bad that i only have 2 PawPaws left.


Honey Orange melon from Johnny’s Seeds. I directly sowed the seeds outdoors around June 1st. I was glad to see them ripen after being directly sown, but I’ll probably go back to starting seeds indoors and transplanting next year. Yesterday I noticed a few were cracked so I picked them. Very good at 17.5 brix. Nice cantaloupe for the north.


Very tasty looking bread. Spread a little butter on it and there goes the diet out of the window.


Flavor King Pluot.This is the first one of these fruits that I’ve grown to maturity.Wonderful,about 22 brix. Brady


Beautiful red color inside and outside

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Also,I haven’t had any fruit with the fragrance this one has.Brady


I grafted flavor king and flavor queen on my superior JP last year, only the flavor queen took. I hope flavor queen tasted similar to flavor king

Sorry Queen is only sweet, very sweet. King has flavor out the kazoo, that’s a lot.


I much prefer flavor to the sweet. I might try to graft King again this coming spring


Yes I would, king is the king of pluots.

Big eating day for me. Arkansas Black, Golden Delicious, and Cumberland Red Delicious apples. I also had Black Beauty and Supreme muscadines. I’m stuffed.

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