From our next door neighbor’s trailcam Wednesday night. They said it was headed towards the back of our property. There’s an overgrown 4’ chain link fence between us.
I don’t think a four foot fence would slow him down much…
They climb right over mine. I’ve got one with two more cubs again
I see these once or twice a year in the yard
. He entered spider heaven shortly after the photo was takenI find them too around the horse troughs and the half barrels I use for potting mix. I really do hate to kill them but the black widows are just too dangerous to keep around. I once took care of a man bitten by black widow. I will never forget it!!!
Been clearing some overgrown grass inside my hoop house and the first day I kill 65 black widow spiders, I’m still thinking on going back to finish it.
Beautiful shot.
I couldn’t get a picture because it happened so fast . . .
but I was pulling into my garage and saw what appeared to be an otter (!) running from my Chicago Hardy fig - to a little crummy shed where ‘something’ had been burrowing and displacing tons of dirt to make a home! But - I doubt that it could be the otter that was doing that . . . more likely a ground hog. ? However . . . maybe it wasn’t an otter, after all. I do know it was some ‘weasely’ shaped animal - who ran like an otter - had a skinny tail like an otter - was the size of an otter . . .
If it 'smelled ’ fishy, like an otter . . . I guess I could be certain! But - we were not that warm and fuzzy on that day . . . so I cannot vouch for how he/she smelled. I only recently heard about another native animal - much like an otter - called a ‘Fisher Cat’, around here. Officially, they are called fishers. (But in Virginia - they always seem to want to butcher names of things.) They look nothing like a cat. But, also very weasel-like - with bushy tails. The one I saw had a skinny tail. And we do have otters that visit a pond on our property . . . but I’ve never seen one out in the open, like that, before. Any ideas?
fishers are bigger than otters . think fox size with shorter legs. they are generally forest animals. from your description its sounds like a otter. esp.if theres water nearby. fishers are cousins of the wolverine and can be nasty if cornered. seen a fisher and a coon ago at it at a bear bait station. the coon was a killed.
Probably because she was going the other way, lol!
No pictures, but I had a bald eagle in my oak tree this morning! I heard an eagle call and poked my head out the front door. There was one in the Norway spruce across the street. I was so busy marveling at it that I didn’t notice the one 50 ft from my head until it flew off! It had gotten a squirrel; hopefully they’ll come back for more!
Not really wild. This a stray cat in the pomegranate tree at my sister’s place. The cat has a few kittens that come sometimes. They made a big mess on the lawn so I gave her a 2’x3’ piece of chicken wire to put at that place. They don’t do that anymore, but the cat still comes everyday. I don’t know how she got into the tree because it is thorny. That is her favorite hiding place, and she didn’t even move when I took the picture. My sister only lost a few fruits to the birds this summer, nothing compared to other years. Too bad I am afraid of the cat in general.
was down by the creek the other day when this huge shadow appeared out of no where…They’re so quiet I barely even heard him, landed on a tree right in front of me…