Hi everyone,
I’m looking for any experience people have with their fruit trees being flooded or in standing water every few years.
I’ve run out of room in the front yard, but my back yard is 15’ lower and on a small river that floods for 2-4 weeks in late May or early June every so often (2011 & 2017 recently).
None of the existing trees have had problems - white pine, burning bush, juniper, beech, box elder, wild roses, invasive elm, and an old gnarly golden delicious apple right on the river bank maybe from when the area was an orchard prior to the 1960s.
What might be more likely to survive or be particularly bad to plant back there?
I’m interested in adding a Prok persimmon, a Weeping Santa Rosa plum, another Honeycrisp apple, a TBD sweet cherry, and a Satsuma plum.
(For better or worse, I did plant two pawpaws back there this year already.)
I could plant these in the back, but could also swap them out for something in the front and restart that in the back if it’s more suitable to the occasional wet condition.
Front yard: 5 peaches, 5 nectarines, 3 apples, 2 sweet cherries, 2 sour cherries, 1 Stanley plum, 2 pears, 1 pluot , 1 pluerry, 2 edible flowering plums
Zone 5b/6a. Northern Utah. Hot days but cool nights. Dry. Low disease and pest pressure. Soil is well drained but rocky.
Thanks for any thoughts…