Matsumoto Persimmon- Looks like it was about 4-5 foot tall and was cut to 3 foot to fit the box. Trunk at the rootstock is over three quarter inch. Scion over half inch. Four gallon pot nicely packaged. A little on the expensive side, but a quality product. Thinking of buying two more.
Has anyone ordered jujubes from them? What did they send you? They were out of stock and very expensive, but who knows maybe they are worth it. Thanks.
Have ordered jujubes from them and i agree, they sell jujus at a premium. I still think though that they were worth the price, considering the potted condition they arrived as. And will definitely give them 5 stars if their hj and ga866 are truly on their own roots
Were they in 4 gal pots like mine about 3 foot tall? Your right it is hard to say no to their quality. I was impressed.
Yes, they were about 3 ft tall and pots were about a quarter smaller than a standard 5 gallon, so probably 4 gallons if remember it right.
The rootballs were solid, which i really liked.
Generally about 1/2" caliper and a bit over 3’ tall. I think they were in 3 gal pots, though they look a lot like what you got. I’ve ordered about 10 jujube from over the years and there was a slight difference in pot size, sometimes even from the same order.
Some pics of my order from October 2015:
More recent order with juju on own roots:
More general jujube vendor comparison:
Given that Robert is in 6b/7a, we should make sure to caution him to not get GA866. Maybe a Honey Jar and So…
So are these guys are selling jujubes (or at least honey jar) on their own roots?
Some are grafted and some are on their own roots. In fact, the last time I ordered, they had some of both types for a few of the varieties.
I think they would do all “own roots”, but it is tough to get a high take rate on rooting the cuttings. It also takes them a bit longer to size them up.
Excellent i will try to grab a hj on its own roots! I am concerned about die back and would love them to be able to spring back to life in case of a late cold snap.
Thank you @BobVance
No problem. I just noticed that you were a different “R” from the original poster. I was about to tell him that he shouldn’t need to worry about dieback, except if he gets actively growing potted jujus from JFaE in the late fall and puts them outside into freezing temps within a few days. That killed two of mine to the ground (the 3rd, a Tigertooth was unharmed).
The other situation I heard of which could cause dieback was the 2 late frosts (April 15th and May 10th, both of which were after the trees leafed out) which got Englands orchard this spring in Kentucky. I’ve never had spring dieback from juju, as they normally wait quite a while to leaf out. I also had a freeze in early May, but mine didn’t have any damage, as they didn’t yet have leaves. But it was bad for stonefruit.
But, seeing that you are in Zone 5A, dieback could be a real concern, so on their own roots sounds smart.
They’ve started propagating them all grafted other then just 1 variety
Got an own root So from them this spring. Very nice!
Wish they were all on their own roots. I lost 4/5 jujubes to the same late freeze events that hit England’s (I’m in a neighboring county— and a touch warmer usually, 6b). Killed to the rootstock.
In Somerset KY have 3 potted jujubes. Two came from Burnt Ridge.
All three made it through the winter fine in containers…but no fruit again this year.
Looks like you got a mixed bag. Some thick ones going down to thin. If you just buy one jujube it is $90. That’s pretty steep. GA866 looks great, but nobody has anything good to say about it. Everyone says it takes forever to fruit.
Is honey jar a quick grower? How long to get from 3 to 6 feet? Deer destroy everything up to that point. So need rapid growth.
it is an excellent cultivar, but production is iffy, even here in vegas. It will produce fruits as a 2 yr old graft, or a 3 ft tall specimen(from jfae). Fruits are on the large size, but few and far in between, per unit length of stem.
I had GA866 fruit from a local farmers market. I do not have a lot of experience with jujube but the flavor was pretty good in my opinion. However, this is California, everything starts fruiting fast here.
Of the 10, I think 8 were around 1/2" caliper. The Lang was small (1/4") and died the next winter (I think that was the only one which died). The Winter Delight was 3/4" and has a decent number of fruit (15+) in year #2. If I get more trees from them I’ll probably call first to check on sizes.
Yup. I have one and there has been no fruit in 5 years, on a fairly large tree. In fact, it hasn’t even flowered that much. I’ve started grafting things to it. One graft had fruit the same year as it was grafted, so it doesn’t look like the trees fault
Depends on your soil and how much you fertilize and water. I just mentioned in another thread that a jujube that I planted at another property grew to 11-12’ in 1.5 years. That was the Li. I think the Honey Jar next to it is 10-11’, so maybe slightly less vigorous. But still a stronger grower than So, which is 7-8’.
But, at my house it could take 3-4 years to get that same growth. At least when starting with a big, high quality tree. If I start with a small 1 gal pot from OGW or BR they take forever. I have some 5+ years old that have just reached 5’.
I like JFaE, especially to get trees on their own roots. But, if you are focused on large, I think you’ll get just as big a tree, if not bigger bare root from Grow Organic, Bay Laurel, or Trees of Antiquity. Listed in my order of preference, even though all 3 are good.
I like to stick to pots as much as possible. This year I bought two bare root pears from Burnt Ridge and several 2 foot potted pears from Dax. Both BR pears only leaves and one from Dax over 6 foot and others in between. Huge difference.
Think I am going to try England’s. Never bought from them, but they have 4-5 foot potted jujubes. And cheaper. Do you have any experience with them?
I have bought other items from this guy. They are 4x4x10 and larger sized pots. Not bad selection.
Cliff is a good guy and has a massive selection of varieties. He had a bad spring this year with 2 frosts after the jujube leafed out. I think he lost 137 of ~200 mature jujube trees. I’m not sure what it did to his stock, so you should email him and check to see what he has available. He sells a number of different grades. The small and medium are probably closer in size to the small ones I mentioned earlier. I think “Extra large” is the one you should go for, which could be 1/2" caliper or a bit more. He does use taller boxes though, so I think the tree could be a foot or two taller than JFaE.
But I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a potted one from him. They may be container grown, then have the potting media shaken off, so they can be sent bare-rooted. If this is a key feature for you, I’d suggest asking about it as well.
Yes, I saw some 7 gal jujube which is tempting, though $150 is a bit pricey. But, then I noticed that in the shipping area it says “we cannot ship potted fruit trees as they are too large.”. They have a shipping example for 1 gal, so I think they would send them, but I’m not sure how large they’ll go. I think you’d want at least 2-3 gal.
Bob Wells also sells them in pots. I got a couple decent ones from them a few weeks ago:
Yeah, I think he will only send up to the three gallon pots. He had a 7 gal. early golden persimmon for $20. I tried everything to get him to send it.