Pear collection: (40) 2 Rocha (Portuguese var.), Portuguese Black Pear (Helder’s Black Pear), Amorim, Xinjiang, Korla, Deveci, Citron des Carmes, Beurré Superfin, Sucree de Montlucon, Kieffer, Harrow Sweet, Concorde, Abate Fetel, Nurun Burun, Nimrod, Comptesse Clara Frijs, Paragon, Duchess D’angouleme, Moonglow, Maxine, Charodiyna, Leven, Yai-Gyuren, Kytayskyi Lihtaryk, Veresneve Devo, Tavryska, Starkrimson, Garden Red, Red Clapp’s Favorite, Flamingo, Canal Red, Regal Red, Red Sensation, Cascade, Karmozijn de Sonnaville (red fleshed), Lubenicarka (red fleshed), Sanguinole (red fleshed), Cocomerina (red fleshed), Vesilna (red fleshed), Shipova (hybrid)
Sonatina: Сонатина - форум-виноград (
Uta: Груша Юта | ЛітинСад - офіційний магазин розсадника | Ми працюємо! Слава Україні (
Vyzhnytsya: Саджанці груші Вижниця (Выжница, Vyzhnitsa). Саджанці найкращої якості! Оптові ціни від Розплідника! (
Veresneve Devo: Груша Вересневе Дево, осінній сорт, плоди, урожайність (
Leven: Груша Левен - купить в Украине (
Yai- Gyuren: Груша зимняя Яй-гюрен (
Charodiyna: Груша “Чарівниця” (зимовий сорт, пізній термін дозрівання) купити поштою в Одесі, Києві, Україні | Agro-Market
Kytayskyi Lihtaryk:
Страница 1 (
Китайський ліхтарик - YouTube
Китайский лихтарык: сорт для экокультуры - YouTube
Vesilna: Груша Весильна (Весільна) | саженцы украинского сорта груши (
Pear (Pyrus communis) VESILNA (
Груша сорту Весільна, 3р. на ІС 2-10 + Ера,с. Хотів,Україна, 2018, - YouTube
Tavryska: Груша Таврійська - купити Саджанці плодових дерев в Україні ► Ціна на Ecosad
Найбільша груша — Агробізнес сьогодні (
Korla Fragrant Pear: Introduction to GIs under the China-EU Agreement on Geographical Indications (23) : Korla Fragrant Pear (
Xinjiang Fragrant Pear: Xinjiang Fragrant Pear | Fruit Maven
Charodiyna pear scion growing very well…
Nashi pear collection: (32) Daisui Li, Niitaka, Tsu Li, Ya Li, Shin Li, New Arirang, Chojuro, Nutiika, Benita, Ju Hong, Shinseiki, Akizuki, Danxia Red, Red Princess, Red Jade, Red Zao Su Li, Ooharabeni, Drippin Honey, Peggy, Raja, Maxie, Mishirasu, Hongpai Li, Shoghori 2, Tennesui, Ichiban, Pai Li, Serui, Man Pong, Hwangkum, Atago, Yakumo
Raja: Raja Asian Pear Tree - One Green World
Maxie: Maxie™ Pear Tree - Stark Bro’s (
Shoghori: Chitral Times || News Detail ||
(2) SHOGHORI-Crunchy,Juicy,Pears-Chitral | Islamabad | Facebook
Hwangkum: 영광농원 황금배 (
Ooharabeni: Ooharabeni Asian Pear — Raintree Nursery
Naju: Gmarket - Korean Naju Pear / 15 kg
Nikkori: Japanese pear from Tochigi, Japan | Why Japanese people buy from Tochigi? | FRESH FOOD TOCHIGI JAPAN (
Mansu: Asian pear Mansu - 2 ltr (
Okusankichi: Late Korean Pear (Okusankichi) (
(7) Facebook
Crispie: Pear Crispie - Springvale Garden Centre
Shinko, Kam Cheon, Hayatama, Hwa Byun Ri, Seon Hwang, Seigyoku, updating…
How to Tell if Asian Pears are Ripe?
When choosing an Asian pear, you need to look at a few different factors. Unlike other types of pears, the Asian pear is still firm when ripe. So, I list some things to help you find the perfect ripe Asian pear below. I hope this helps!
First, check its color: There are two types of Asian pears to consider. On one hand, for Asian pear varieties from Japan, the skin changes to a yellowish-brown color when ripe. On the other hand, for pears coming from the Chinese variety, the skin changes to a greenish-yellow when ripe. Always check the entire pear–the color should be evenly distributed instead of appearing in spots.
Check the thickness of the skin: Fully ripe Asian pears have thinner skin than their unripe counterparts.
Next, check the smell: When ripe, these pears should smell strongly sweet. If you cannot smell the fruit when you hold it up to your nose, then it is not ripe.
Finally, if you can, taste the pear: These pears should have a crispy and juicy texture with a sweet taste. If the pear is mushy instead of crispy, it is overripe. Often, people compare the texture more to an apple than other varieties of pears.
Avoid pears with wrinkled, bruised, or dark skin. These pears are already overripe and will not taste as delicious!
Asian Pear (Asian Pears in Korean Cuisine) - Carving A Journey
Just got 1 Sucree de Montlucon pear tree… 

Pears in Portugal … has a nice ring to it!
1 Harrow Sweet pear tree
1 Cascade pear tree
Harrow Sweet pear trees with pears
I have my Nimrod pear tree on full flower now and already with small fruits… 
1 Like
New pear trees:
Striped Williams, Precoce Moretinni and Soledano…
I just got new trees:
1 Beurre Superfin pear tree
1 Sucrée de Montcluçon pear tree
1 Mavrodin Red pear tree