Questions not deserving of a whole thread

Depends on the damage , may end up hollow and not live to old age . Or not get enough energy back to the roots .
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Quick question -

Do potted fruit trees growing in an unheated polycarbonate greenhouse need to be hardened off to the sunlight before putting them in the yard full time?

Is there anyway to make a Mahaleb cherry rootstock grow in clay soil? Mounds? Digging deep to put loamy soil?

I do- my hoophouse has two layers of greenhouse plastic on it, so mine may need it more than yours would.

Anyone try growing beach plums in clay soil and does anyone know if these will cross with other wild plum species?

I would harden it off because of wind and stronger sunlight outside.

I’m guessing both of these are suckers from the rootstock (first would be myrobalan, second Lovell)?

Am I likely to be able to transplant them to a pot and use them in grafting next year? Or should I just chop them off?

I believe those polycarb panels block most of the UV spectrum so yeah, I would harden them off slowly.

Why not let them grow in ground? You should be able to use them as rootstock.

If you want your current tree to grow as much as possible, just pinch off the suckers.

If you want more trees, you can definitely propagate those suckers. You will need to cut a little bit of the root off with suckers and you can pot them up. This will reduce growth of your main tree a little depending on how much root you take off. If you leave the suckers in ground, it will also reduce growth of your main tree as well.

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This is a chojuro asain pear thats been blooming for a week. Is it normal for the flower petal edges to turn brown before dropping? Guessing so, just want to be sure since a bunch of apples are also blooming and i haven’t noticed it on them. About a third of the flowers have dropped and most left have some browning on the edges.

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Any cold weather while or just before bloom?

We had a cold snap but it was quite a bit before bloom I’d say a week before it got down to mid 30s

If I google “pear petal fall”, I don’t see much examples of brown edges petals. Could it be those petals were rubbing on leaves when wind blows? They are delicate.

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Pear tree has fruitlets that are darkening and almost turning purple (see below). I have not gotten any pears from my trees yet, so am I getting pears, fruitlets drying up and dropping, or is this a disease like fire blight?


I started a tray of burning hearts heliopsis seeds and one of the seeds opened with three stolons and three leaves while all of the others have only two. Is this kinda like growing a four leaf clover?

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Is there a single insecticide that would cover peach borer on peaches/plums and plum curculio on peaches/plums/apples? Bonus if it kills aphids, but I think nearly everything kills aphids (besides BT)?

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Noticed something weird the other day.

I have a potted loganberry (I believe or Marionberry) and the leaves are silvery/metallic. The plant has been given nothing unusual and nothing has been sprayed on it.


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it’s just fancy. it’s a pretty princess plant. it’s got style.

I have a question that’s fairly general, not sure if it’s good here or needs a thread. what kind of fruit tree gets size and fruit the soonest? I know jujube and a few others can be precocious - a year or two from bare root. is there anything else that fast?

That kind of depends on the age of the tree you’ve gotten from the nursery. I had Pear, Plum, and Cherry trees I purchased in the last year fruit the same summer.

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