Since we just rang in the New Year a few minutes ago here in the East, I thought I’d start a new daily happenings thread.
Feel free to post what’s going on in your world today regarding: ordering of fruit plants/trees, gardening, grafting, planting, pruning, harvesting, and whatever else is relevant.
I"ll start by saying pretty soon I’m planning to start ordering the fruit trees and plants I want to put in the ground for this spring. We’re going to just try a few trees, prob pluots, but I am planning on getting quite a few berry plants- namely raspberries and blackberries, along with maybe some hybrids of both.
It’s also time to plan on what kind of veggies we’re going to plant and where in our various plots. This will be our fifth season growing them. We have kinda figured out what works here and what doesn’t. So, I hope to really consolidate our plantings this year. Beans, corn, cukes and peppers did great last year, whereas tomatoes were hit hard by deer, and we got virtually no reg or sweet potatoes. So this year, we prob won’t grow as many cukes or peppers. Beans, corn, tomatoes and taters will be top priorities. Might try some watermelons this year, along with pumpkins and a few other veggies.
We amended all of our plots last year, and we just got back our soil test results last week, and it looks like we got the pH up on all the plots, all are now around 6.0 and above whereas last year some were in the 5.0 range. Other nutrients like P, K and Mg are all up, as well as Ca, so we hope that means a better harvest this year.
The only fruit we may get from our new plantings are strawberries and maybe a few apples.
Alrighty, enough of me, let’s hear it from the rest of y’all. Here’s hoping for a fruitful, bountiful, enlightening, prosperous and blessed year for everyone!