Death of Red Delicious: Premium 'Club' Apples Are Taking Over

It has been discussed. Washington state growers are replacing Red Delicious in mass with this new cultivar. I might be mad I cant get it here if it weren’t for the fact I could PM any number of members of Growingfruit for help.

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Cosmic Crisp is a fairly good apple, apparently easy to grow, and weighs heavy when you’re selling them by the pound instead of the bushel. But, I would choose Evercrisp between the two of them.

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Opal is great almost vinous at times good yellow delicious. Jazz and kanzi are pretty good with jazz being sweeter and kanzi being crisper. Sweet tangos are good and i would rate them as pretty similar to jazz and kanzi. I have had a few pacific rose, kiku, envy and crimson snow i feel i have only had a few of so i do not want to rate yet. I did like the cosmic crisp apples but they were not my favorite apple however they were unique.

Also even if you pay to be part of the pink lady growing group if you produce sub par apples with not enough brix or blush you sell them as cripps pink also to keep the trademark value high.


While at the apple grafting class today, I noticed there was some Ambrosia scions. But, I decided on other varieties. Part of the reason I passed on it was because I haven’t been too impressed by them from stores. Prob a bad reason, as quite a few apples I’ve had from stores recently have been pretty sorry.

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I have never heard of Pacific Queen, but I remember you were mentioning this apple here before. I wonder what happened to it that it’s not sold anymore.
Evercrisp is being planted in South Tyrol so I am sure I will taste it in the near future.

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Has anyone here been able to taste Rave? It’s a new summer commercial apple bred in Minnesota.

I would like to know what it tastes like. I think it’s being sold in Germany but I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet.


Good memory! :blush: It is still being planted in NZ and apparently is being sold in some Asian countries. It probably could not establish itself in the crowded US market of apple varieties, not sure why though…

There is a common misconception of what trademark is and what it protects. Trademark only protects against use in commerce. If you’re just talking, i.e., are not in the process of any commercial activity (for example, are not selling or advertising anything), trademark protection does not apply.

Trademark infringement | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
To prevail on a claim of trademark infringement, a plaintiff must establish that it has a valid mark entitled to protection; and that the defendant used the same or a similar mark in commerce in connection with the sale or advertising of goods or services without the plaintiff’s consent.


Just looking for apple buying suggestions, since you are clearly in the know about flavours and similarities.

I live in an apple growing region so don’t bother with them in my yard. (Lots of great local apples that can be bought at markets on the cheap “b” grade so it’s not worth the yard space)

From the early 90’s until the last 5 years or so my go-to fave was Mutsu (Crispin) for eating and baking.
Lately, we’ve been going with Honeycrisp. B grades go for $12 to $18 a half bushel here in season and keep for months in our fridge.

Between the biggest farmers market in the region and a huge apple business nearby, I’ve got lots of others to try and wonder if there is something that is worth paying A grade pricing. Ginger gold has been sampled but it didn’t beat HC for me, especially not at $10+ more a half bushel. Suggestions?

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Without knowing more about the apples you like and whats available it would be hard for anyone to recommend something for you. Mutsu is golden delicious cross and Ginger gold is a golden delicious seedling. Honeycrisp is a great apple and make it easy to forget about the yellow delicious family. Then you have the Gala, Braeburn, Fuji flavor profile. And Wine Vinus berry flavors. This is why so many of us end up with so many cultivars. An apple for every flavor, ripening period, cooking use etc.


Agreed. Every person has different taste preferences, and even then, the same person will have more than one favorite depending on “use, ripening period, cooking use,” and I’ll add a fourth - mood. >_<

I haven’t heard that many votes for it, but I still like the classic McIntosh. I wish it weren’t so disease prone though.


I really only have ever liked, to the level of choosing to eat them fresh, a few apples. The mutsu was the first after realizing it was more reliably good than the uneven red delicious from my youth.
I find actual golden delicious to be dull and not a great texture. Granny Smiths work for a few things like salad and some baking but too tart for plain eating, aside from a rare mood.
Galas are okay, but not exciting. I’d take a pear over them generally. Fuji is also kinda boring to me.
The hc has both a texture and flavour that is worth eating. I love the crunch, Asian pear apples are something I like too, and will take them over most generic apples. I think I have trouble with the “in between” texture of most. Mealiness is right out. The softness of a good, ripe pear is great as is solid and crunchy ones but anything halfway is off-putting. The grittiness of some pears is okay.

Sweet and fragrant with some balancing tart. Humm…this is really making me aware of some of my sensory issues.

For cooking, I actually like mixing the hc and macs if possible. Macs have decent flavour but I only want to cook with them. (I’d eat them fresh to avoid scurvy, but that’s about it) Their issue is that the cook-to-mush factor doesn’t work for every dish.
That is literally it for apples I’m into.

I love using Mutsu for baked apples. I was going to plant a tree but I see it is very blister spot prone. This is the main reason that I have not planted one. I am not sure if other people that are growing this apple are having issues with this apple. They make great baked apples using the bigger sized Mutsu apples I get at a local market when they are in season.

My only experience with Mutsu was fresh from the tree nearly 40 years ago when I worked a couple times for an apple orchard in their busy period, Aug and Sept.

It’s a poor substitute for fresh eating compared to Yellow Delicious, Grimes Golden, Ginger Gold and Ozark Gold.

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I didnt realize it was a club apple. I’m not sure where I got Ambrosia but I think it was Singing Tree.