Members photos on Growingfruit

I’m growing Mammoth / Russian Mammoth this year, but so far they’re only at about 4’ here in the north east. I’ve had good luck with Kong and Mongolian Giant in the past. Great pic Bob.

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Thanks, my wife took the pics. She thought me snuggling up to the cat was funny.

Yeah the sunflowers are huge already, we just planted them about 6-7 weeks ago. We tried them last year, and they got about 5ft tall, but I didn’t keep them weeded, and they shriveled up. So, we’re trying take better care of them this time.

Don’t know if you can see it in the pic, but the corn behind the sunflowers are almost as tall. It’s starting to tassel and set little ears.


Wow, you have four boys. That is a blessing from God. I was watching a Netflix show called " A beauty Queen in Jerusalem." It was so fascinating to learn about a culture that a boy is so much sought after to pass on their family tradition. I think you and your wife would enjoy the show and realize how much you are blessed.


This is us. Our son loves stone fruits and his dad has to figure out growing them without harsh chemicals.


Flora June is the newest member of our little family. She joined us in quite a commotion but everyone is doing well now.


Congrats. Parenthood is one heck of a rollercoaster but makes for some of the best moments in life.



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Congrats!! Your first or second?

Gilbert didn’t like it.

Second baby girl. The dog is a girl too; I’m outnumbered but I wouldn’t change a thing. We are very blessed.


@disc4tw … Ryan… congratulations on the new baby girl. They are so sweet.

7000 days.

That is the average number of days your children will be at home with you… then they will be out on their own.

Our Daughter got married and flew the coop a little before that.

Love them and teach them every day, hug them and kiss them… those 7000 days will pass in the blink of an eye.



Similar situation with me. Two girls, wife, and one female dog. The men of the house are me, the eldest dog who is sadly on his way out, and our rooster. Still thrilled with my lot in life at this time.


I successfully raised two girls and lived to tell about it.


Highly recommend this book for Dads with daughters.

I did the interview with one guy… he remained… they have been married or several years now… i have a new grandbaby.

It not just about what you say to him… but also how to teach her how she should be treated on a date. Good stuff.


My dad raised five girls, and he’s still living at 80.
This is my Dad and I on Father’s day this year.
He was the guy with his wallet full of pictures always bragging on our latest accomplishments.
He was a GREAT dad! I will be forever grateful that he did not do as his dad…we were never abused.
Wonderfully real, and very human. I loved how transparent and real he was…and that he was never afraid to say he was sorry, or admit when he was wrong. I’m also really glad that he took time over the years to come up and visit our family. Our children all know him.


@joleneakamama I’m glad to hear that your father faired well through five kids. Me and my wife decided two was a good number for us. I know the world was different a scant few years ago but the idea of 5 kids is unfathomable.
I hope I’m a good father. I’ll add to that that I hope I’m a good human. I consider myself a rather patient person but kids have a special way of pushing you beyond even the most saintly levels of patience. Thankfully one thing that marks both me and my wife is the ability to realize when we acting in a manner that we shouldn’t and apologize for any uncouth words or actions. We are only human after all. That aspect of humility is something that I will endeavor to pass along to my girls.


Nice photo of you both. Sounds like he did a great job of raising all you girls.


How true! Getting ready to launch youngest across the world. And always wish for more time with oldest’s babies but whew I get tired! Good thing my 24/7 baby days are long behind me, and youngest takes up enough space in the house and kitchen and LR I’ll have some consolation in getting our neat quiet empty nest back again after the precious days this summer she’s been home.


Trev and Gerri … a week at the beach… so nice.


That is true for most people. …but most people work a 9 to 5 and send their kids off to school. Most kids want to be entertained and don’t have real life stuff to accomplish.

The world we choose to live in hasnt changed so much. My father in law raised a large family here where we live. He had six with a wife who divorced him, then had two with his second wife before she passed away, then he married my mom in law and she had 14.

My husband and I have 26 years together, six sons and three daughters. Now we have a grandson and another grand on the way. All these children are growing up out in the country with livestock and the orchard and garden. They have old fashioned skills and community in our small town… .and people skills too. They know what a good job is and you cannot find a bad review about the work they do.

The world goes through cycles, but good morals and a healthy productive lifestyle will always be a good idea.